Video Learning - Maths (Year 7)
Choose your topic below:
Unit 2 - Number Skills
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division video
Money, Time, Negative Numbers, Multiples, Factors, Primes & Squares video
- Money & Time
- Negative Numbers
- Factors Multiples Primes
- Square Numbers
- (NEW)
- (NEW)
Now log into Google Classroom and complete the Rich Assessment task set by your class teacher
Unit 3 - Expressions, Functions and Formulae
Expressions, functions & Formulae Video
- 1 Functions
- 2 Simplify Expressions 1
- 3 Simplify Expression 2
- 4 Writing Expressions
- 5 Substituting into a Formula
- 6 Writing Formulae
Ensure you are regularly logging into Google Classroom and completing any work set by your teacher
Unit 1 - Analysing and Displaying Data
Analysing and Displaying Data video
- 1 Mode Median and Range
- 2 Displaying Data
- 3 Grouping Data
- 4 Averages and Comparing Data
- 5 Line Graphs and More Bar Charts
Ensure you are regularly logging into Google Classroom and completing any work set by your teacher
Unit 4 - Decimals and Measure
- 1 Decimals and Rounding
- 2 Length Mass and Capacity
- 3 Scales and Measure
- 4 Working with Decimals Mentally
- 5 Working with Decimals
- 6 Perimeter
- 7 Area
- 8 Units of Measure
Ensure you are regularly logging into Google Classroom and completing any work set by your teacher
Unit 5 - Fractions and Percentages
- 1 Comparing Fractions
- 2 Simplifying Fractions
- 3 Working with Fractions
- 4 Fractions and Decimals
- 5 Understanding Percentages
- 6 Percentages of Amounts
Unit 7 - Ratio and Proportion
- 1 Direct Proportion
- 2 Writing Ratios
- 3 Using Ratios
- 4 Ratio Proportion Fractions
- 5 Proportion Percentages
Unit 6 - Probability
- 1 Language of Probability
- 2 Calculating Probabilities
- 3 More Probability Calculations
- 4 Experimental Probability
- 5 Expected Outcomes
Unit 8 - Lines and Angles
- 1 Lines and Angles
- 2 Lines Angles Triangles
- 3 Drawing Triangles Accurately
- 4 Calculating Angles
- 5 Angles in Triangles
- 6 Quadrilaterals
Unit 9 - Sequences and Graphs
- 1 Sequences
- 2 Pattern Sequences
- 3 Coordinates and Midpoints
- 4 Extending Sequences
- 5 Straight Line Graphs
- 6 Position to Term Rule