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GSO Test

Est. 1921

Staff List

Heads of Department


Miss P Glassey


Mrs S Fawcett


Mrs R Brown

Business Studies

Mr C Levy


Dr D Ellson


Mr L Edgeley

Design & Technology

Mr N McCarthy


Mr F Difusco

Food and Nutrition

Mrs H McElroy


Mrs S Levy


Mrs A Halliday


Mrs J Shannon

Modern Foreign Languages

Mrs F Conn

Physical Education

Mr G Johnson

Performing Arts

Mr C Sheard


Mr M Smith


Mrs H Rye


Dr D Ellson

Social Sciences

Mrs M Carlin

Head of Learning Support

Mrs N Quinn

English as an Additional Language (EAL) Co-ordinator

Mrs S Preston
(Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead/Mental Health First Aid Training)

 Heads/Assistant Heads of Year (as of January 2025)

Year 7

Mrs K Sheard / Mrs H Gharooni

Year 8

Mr K Leadbetter / Mrs L Bishop

Year 9

Mr C Spruce / Mrs R Barlow / Mr T Barry

Year 10

Mr E Jenkins / Miss A Williams

Year 11

Mr S Fitzgerald / Miss G Blower

Year 12-13

Mr P Richards / Mr M Jenkins

 Teaching Staff:


Mrs A Diamond-Lee

Mrs H Kealey

Mrs S Fawcett

Head of Department

Mrs S Stokoe




Mr J Freeman


Miss E Jones


Mr C Levy

Head of Department

Mr M Jenkins

Assistant Head of Y12/13



Mrs K Heyes


Mr L Edgeley

Head of Department

Mr P Gallant

Mr G Jenkins

Mrs H Doody

Key Stage 4 Co-ordinator (p/t)



Mr T Barry


Mrs H McElroy

Head of Food and Nutrition

Mr N McCarthy

Head of Department

Mr D Fields

Mr T Kearns


Ms E Smith




Miss G Blower

Mr F Clarke


Mr D Crosdale

Key Stage 4 Co-ordinator

Mr F Difusco

Head of English

Mrs L Duffy

Key Stage 3 Co-ordinator

Mr N Gordon

Miss F Harrison

Mrs L Bishop

Assistant Head of Year 8

Ms P McKinney

Miss L McMullen

Literacy Co-ordinator

Mr L O’Hanlon

Assistant Head Teacher: Curriculum, Teaching & Learning

Mrs R Watson

Key Stage 5 Co-ordinator

Miss A Williams

Assistant Head of Year 10



Mr L Burke


Mr M Ellis

Key Stage 3 Geography Co-ordinator

Miss O Hughes


Mrs S Levy

Head of Department

Mr S Mooney


Mr P Richards

Head of Year 12/13, School Careers Lead



Miss L Ball

Key Stage 3 History Co-ordinator 

Miss L Edwards

Assistant Headteacher

Mrs C Evans

Senior Assistant Headteacher

Miss K McEwan


Ms A George


Mrs A Halliday

Head of Department

Mr K Leadbetter

Head of Year 8

Mr M Lee




Mrs N Quinn

Head of Department (SENDCO)

Mr I Griffiths

Assistant SENDCO



Mr N Allen


Miss L Donaghy 


Miss M Gilbert

Key Stage 3 Maths Co-ordinator

Mrs V Harrald

Key Stage 5 Maths Co-ordinator

Ms A Hughes


Miss R Kolek


Mr J Hunter


Mr R Pattison

Key Stage 4 Maths Co-ordinator

Mrs J Shannon

Head of Department

Mrs C Turner


Mr M Vincent


Mr D Wilcock

Mr S Williams

Senior Assistant Head Teacher: 6th Form & Qualifications

Mrs N Wong




Mrs A Brack

Key Stage 4 MFL Co-ordinator

Mrs F Conn

Head of Department

Miss S Harrington

Key Stage 3 MFL Co-ordinator

Mrs S Preston

EAL Co-ordinator (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead/Mental Health First Aid Training)

Miss I Roberts-Ortigosa

Miss J Saunders


Mrs K Sheard

Head of Year 7

Miss M Zietal


Mr W Wooding



Mrs R Brown

Maternity cover

Mr C Sheard

Head of Music

Miss S York

Assistant Headteacher (Personal Development/Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Mrs H Harris

Maternity leave



Mrs G Cottrell

Mr L Elwood


Mr A Gormley


Mrs K Jackson

Key Stage 5 PE Co-ordinator

Mr G Johnson

Head of Department

Mrs J McDonnell

Mrs N Quinn


Mr J Sherrard

Duke of Edinburgh Co-ordinator

Mrs L Withers

Child Development Lead

Mr M Withers

Key Stage 4 PE Co-ordinator



Mrs H Rye

Head of PSHE



Mr S Ahmed


Mrs R Barlow

Assistant Head of Year 9 (p/t)

Mrs R Brown

Head of Biology

Mrs S Cain


Mrs D Cameron

Key Stage 4 Science Co-ordinator

Mr R Davies

Assistant Head Teacher (Associate)

Mrs A Denson


Mr C Dore

Dr D Ellson

Director of Science/Head of Chemistry

Miss E Farrell


Mr S Fitzgerald


Mrs H Gharooni

Assistant Head of Year 7

Miss K Lacey

Mr A McDonough

Mr M McLay

Mr C Spruce

Head of Year 9

Mr M Smith

Head of Physics

Dr G Turner

Key Stage 3 Science Co-ordinator



Mrs R Carney


Mrs M Carlin

Head of Department

Mrs R Halewood


Mr M Jones


Mr S Jones

Religious Studies Co-ordinator

Ms E Rawlinson


Mr J Sparkes




Mrs C Evans


School Support Staff

Business, Finance & Operations (Mr A Cocklin)

Director of Business, Finance & Operations

Mr A Cocklin

Senior Finance Officer

Mrs V Summerfield

Finance & Business Assistants

Miss C Moore (p/t)

Mrs L Halpin (p/t)

ICT Support:

Mr J Morris (Senior ICT Technician)

Mr S Smith (Data & Information Systems Manager)

Examination/Data Officer

Mrs J Costello

Fundraising and Marketing Co-ordinator

Mrs L Bevan

Reprographics Technician

Mrs C Vila (p/t)


HR & Administration (Miss P Glassey)

Director of People & Culture

Miss P Glassey

Administration Team Leader & HR Assistant

Miss L Smith

HR Assistant

Mrs R Wade (maternity leave)

Mrs L Atkinson (maternity cover)


Mrs D Hanstock

Admin Officer

Miss A Kelly

Admin Officer

Ms S Ledbury

Admin Officer

Mrs K Lilley

Admin Officer

Mrs S Hart (p/t)

Admin Officer (Apprentice)

Mr M Want


Teaching & Learning

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs J McCoy

Learning Mentors:

Mr C Murphy

Mr E Jenkins (Head of Year 10)

Mr N Easthope

Ms H Saleh

Mrs L Sanderson-Crail

Senior Science Technician

Mr G Parkinson

Science Technicians:

Mr T McQueen

Mr R Molyneux

Art Technician

Miss T Samuels

PE Technician

Mr M Riley

Design & Technology Technicians:

Miss L Grugel

Mr J Walker

Mr M Pemberton

Higher Level Learning Support Assistants:

Mrs H Chamberlain

Mr S Hughes

Mrs C Pye

Mrs A Conlon-Bloor

Mr I Griffiths (Assistant SENDCO)

Wellbeing Co-ordinators

Mrs H Rye

Miss K Rourke (6th Form Wellbeing)

Learning Support Assistants

Mrs A Al-Suraimi

Miss M Young

Mrs S MacQueen

Mrs E Birchall

Mr O Parkes

Mr S Clark

Ms A O'Shea

Mrs R Williamson-Dunn 

Mrs Z Yazdi

Mrs A Farrukh

SEND Admin Officer

Mrs R Mufti

6th Form Study Supervisors

Mrs A McCaig (part-time)

Mrs M Yoxall (part-time)

Cover Supervisors

Miss C Hartley (Safeguarding Administration Assistant)

Mrs A Hyland

Mr A Mirza

Mrs C Hopley

 Last updated 01/2025

* Schools are required to publish details of how many school employees have an annual gross salary of £100,000 or more.

Calderstones School employs 4 x FTE staff with a gross (including employer national insurance and pension contributions) annual salary of over £100,000.