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Est. 1921

Rewards and Sanctions

We believe that good behaviour hinges on positive relationships and the belief that encouraging and rewarding pupils has a strong association with modifying pupil behaviour. The intention is to focus on rewarding the positive.

It is our expectation that all pupils of Calderstones School should:

  • Be reasonable and considerate to others.
  • Be respectful and tolerant.
  • Take responsibility for their behaviour so that they and other pupils can learn.
  • Should uphold the ethos of the school, promote equality, celebrate our diversity, strive for excellence and find strength in our community.

The aim of our rewards system is to provide a structured system in which different types of achievement can be recognised, and to foster a culture in which praise and rewards become more widely used, and in which rewards are accessible to all pupils.

  • Automatic allocation of rewards points in lessons
  • Achievement letter home
  • Improvement letter home
  • Departmental postcard
  • Head of Department Commendation – Academic diligence
  • Head of Year Commendation - Citizenship
  • Head Teacher’s Commendation – Outstanding personal success
  • Inter form Attendance and Punctuality competitions
  • Inclusion in Rewards Points League Draw each half term (£50)
  • Invitation to termly rewards trips eg Ice Skating, Bowling, Cinema
  • Invitation to residential activity trips eg Skiing
  • Invitation to end of year residential trip eg Kingswood Colomendy
  • Academic and Sporting Colours
  • Year 11 Prom

End of Year Certificated Rewards are produced using Attitude to Learning Scores from individual Records of Achievement. Certificates are also issued for those pupils who have achieved 100% Attendance. Both are presented to students in a Rewards Assembly during the first week of the next academic year.

Positive reinforcement of expected behaviour based on the following: 

  • Warning using a visual annotation (Name on Board) (R1) - For the first incident of misbehaviour the pupil’s name goes on the board as a warning.
  • Resolution Conversation (R2) - For a second in-class breach, the class teacher will instruct the pupil to return to him / her to discuss and reflect on the misbehaviour and to resolve the matter. This stage remains the responsibility of the classroom teacher and serves to ensure future improved behaviour.
  • Leadership Group Detention (R3) - For a third event, the pupil will be issued with a 30-minute detention, during which he / she will be expected to reflect on his/ her behaviour and make an intention to restore good behaviour in the next lesson. The pupil’s name will be removed from the 30-minute detention list when this detention has been served.
  • Referral (R4) - For a fourth event, or for a severe misdemeanour, the pupil will be sent to referral. The purpose of referral is to restore order and to allow the lesson to proceed on behalf of the other pupils without further disruption. This stage may result in a further sanction and /or department or pastoral intervention. Pupils sent to referral will be expected to hand in their mobile phone if requested. Failure to go to referral will result in an Internal Exclusion

Mobile phones/electronic devices/headphones - these should be switched off and out of sight whilst in the school buildings. If a mobile phone is out during a lesson it will be confiscated by the classroom teacher for the rest of the lesson.  Persistent use of such devices may lead to the Head of Year confiscating the item for the rest of the day.

Drinks - If a pupil has any drink other than water (in a clear bottle) it will be confiscated and disposed of.

Failure to cooperate with teachers with regards to drinks and/or mobile phones may result in time spent in the referral room.

Inappropriate behaviour – Pupils behaving inappropriately outside of lessons will be asked to serve a sanction, the type/ duration of which is determined by the Head of Year. Inappropriate Behaviour Detentions are served on Friday after School in Quarry House. Parents are also informed.