What is the curriculum aim / vision for this subject?
To equip students with numeracy skills in order to solve problems and reason mathematically.
Students will be able to use these skills in a wider context.
To create successful learners who are confident mathematicians and enjoy the subject
What do we expect students to get from this subject?
Enjoyment of the subject.
Achieve or exceed their expected progress.
Use their numeracy skills to make a positive contribution to the workplace and society.
Numeracy Bingo (Year 7 students)
How does learning develop over the five years?
Students follow the national curriculum for Mathematics across Years 7 to 11.
At Calderstones, they follow a 5 year scheme of learning that contains overlaps in order to build learner confidence in the subject.
Students develop skills in Number, Algebra, Shape Space & Measure, Proportional Reasoning and Handling Data.
Students develop conceptual fluency in order to problem solve and reason mathematically.
Students are offered enrichment events in order to enthuse them and help them to understand the practical applications of the subject in the world and work place.
What principles have guided our decision making in developing this curriculum? What is distinctive about our curriculum?
We follow the National Curriculum for Mathematics (from 2015) and use the Pearson Scheme of Learning.
The Year 7 students transition to life at Calderstones School with a unit on how to use the Bar Model throughout their Maths.
The Year 12 transition is notable as Calderstones School is one of a very few who currently offer Core Mathematics to Y12 & Y13 students. We study towards the L3 Certificate in Mathematical Studies (AQA).
How is the timetabled curriculum supplemented or enriched by other approaches to learning?
There are strong links with other subjects through numeracy, such as science, D.T., geography and shared mathematical methods to ensure consistent pedagogy
Enrichment events such as:
Coding with Apple
Core Maths Roadshow
University taster sessions
Assemblies (Study skills; Have you got what it takes to be an astronaut?)
Numeracy intervention & LSA support in lessons
GCSE and A-level Revision classes
Further Maths GCSE & A-Level offered as additional qualifications
In what ways does your curriculum help to develop…?
Cultural diversity and identity
Use of names from various ethnic backgrounds in examples and exam questions
Physically and mentally healthy lifestyles
Skills to deal with personal finances such as budgeting, taxation, loans etc
Community participation
The department has developed strong links with universities
Careers and enterprise
6th form open evening
Various trips as mentioned
Core Maths qualification to increase numbers of students studying maths up to age 18
Technology and the media
Coding at Apple Trip
Use of graphing software/effective use of mobile phone in maths lessons
Scientific calculators
Use of spreadsheets etc (Core Maths)
Creativity and critical thinking
Curriculum links with other subjects helps to engage learners
Increased emphasis on reasoning in the curriculum helps students to become more critical thinkers.
Year 11 Exploring Financial Exponentials
What forms do assessments take? What is the purpose of assessment?
Summative assessment
Rich Assessment Tasks are:
Open book
Topic based
Reflection opportunity for teacher and learner to deal with misconceptions
End of term & end of year assessments:
Assess progress made in each term
Question Analysis conducted to inform necessary intervention, targeted revision and teacher planning
Report progress to Parents
Formative assessment
Teacher questioning
DIRT (Directed Independent Reflection Time) for students to reflect on feedback they’ve been given
Diagnostic questioning
How do we know if we have a successful curriculum?
Student feedback in pupil voice (e.g. enjoyment)
Engagement levels
Exam results / progress measures and outcomes for students
Correspondence with former students (6th form)
Healthy numbers choosing the subject at A-level and Core Maths
Healthy numbers go on to study Maths related courses in HE
Click here for the Key Stage 3 Curriculum Map
Click here for the Key Stage 4 Curriculum Map
Click here for the Key Stage 5 Curriculum Map
Year 12
Students will study the two year Pearsons Edexcel A-level Mathematics.
Click here for information about the Pearsons Edexcel A-level Mathematics Specification.
As part of the Statistics units of the A-level, students are required to work with the following Data Set:
Year 13
Students will continue with the AQA Modular Mathematics A-level, completing modules C3, C4 and M1 and any Y12 resits in Summer 2020.
In the Sixth Form, we also offer Level 3 Certificate in Mathematical Studies (AQA):