T Levels
Course Details:
Exam Board and specification code: Edexcel |
Course Co-ordinator: Mrs H Doody |
What is this course about?
Have you got a passion for media and the creative industries? Turn this love into an exciting career with this T level in Media, Broadcast and Production.
This Technical Qualification is equivalent to 3 A levels and provides students with a high-quality alternative to A Levels.
Students will complete a minimum of 315 hours as part of their qualification in the industry on placement, this equates to around 45 days which is 20% of your learning. For the other 80% of the T Level, you will be learning in a classroom.
Embedded within the T Level will be English, Maths and Digital skills, weekly tutorials.
There are over 21,000 people employed in the digital and creative sector in Merseyside area with Liverpool as one of the UK’s strongest games and creative media content clusters. The Digital & Creative sector in Liverpool City Region has grown 55% since 2019, compared to 17% growth nationally. Media content is consumed by nearly everyone on the planet and the need to create, capture and edit that content is constantly rising.
The core skills covered in the course include undertaking research, generating, communicating and developing ideas as well as working collaboratively with others and reflective practice.
At Calderstones, we will focus on the occupational specialism in Content Creation and Production where students will learn to generate ideas for content development for different platforms, plan the production of the required content for different platforms, create and deliver the required content for chosen platforms and/r venues and co-ordinating with others where appropriate and finally evaluate the extent to which the content and plan meet objectives, taking on board feedback.
Within this students will understand client and audience requirements, ethical and legal considerations, marketing channels, managing time, equipment and a budget, techniques and approaches to capturing media in a range of formats and much more.
Course Content
Students will access and use industry-standard hardware and software, such as video recording equipment, cameras, microphones, lighting, and PCs with industry-standard media editing software.
Within the classroom, you learn the core principle of the Media industry and essential theory, balanced with practical work in our creative spaces to build your technical skills.
Outline course content includes:
- The creative economy and industries
- Cultural context and vocabulary
- Audience
- Legislation, Professionalism and Ethics
- Equality, diversity and inclusion
- Research skills
- Project methodology and administration
- Ideas Generation and Development
- Branding and Brand Awareness
Assessment Methods:
Year 1:
- Core Assessment: Externally set written exam graded A*-E.
- Employer Set Project: Externally assessed project graded A*-E.
Year 2:
- Extended Project: Externally set and moderated. Split over several weeks focussed on Content Creation and Production specialism. Graded Distinction, Merit or Pass
Industry Placement:
- As well as the assessment above there will be an Evidence log produced to show completion of hours required and evidence of development of technical skills in a workplace environment.
The overall grading is on a scale of Pass, Merit, Distinction, Distinction* and is awarded by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE)
What might this course lead on to?
This T Level will help students step straight into a chosen career, an apprenticeship or a degree. Job Roles could include:
- Operational broadcast systems in TV/radio and outdoor transmission
- Audio production assistant, broadcast assistant, production management assistant, programme assistant, runner and TV production assistant
- Junior content assistant, social media assistant/co-ordinator and junior media executive
Progress to University:
You can use the UCAS points you achieve upon completion of your T level to continue studies at University. Degree related programmes:
BA Communications, Media and Marketing
BA Media Studies
BA Media and Communications
BA Media Production
BA Film and TV production
Alternatively there are many opportunities to progress to Level 3 apprenticeships or higher-level apprenticeships such as the Level 4 Postproduction Technical Operator, Assistant Technical Director, Media Production Co-ordinator and Assistant Recording Technician.
Entry Requirements:
A Minimum of 5 GCSEs at Grade 4 or above including English and maths.